Friday, August 11, 2017

Film Project

This truly became a reflection of what we learned both in and out of the classroom over our five week course. We compiled insights from all five of the novels we studied, multiple sight visits and our own personal experiences to form, what we believe, an overview of Growing Up as a Global Citizen.

If we were given more time, I would have liked to discuss certain books further to explore topics more deeply. For example, we mention the importance of choice and accountability in Atonement but I would have liked to gone a bit more in depth, as it is such a key topic within the story. Exploring visuals also would have been really fun to enhance this project and developing more complex clips or audio would be very interesting, like sound from each site visit or longer videos to more deeply establish the location. 

Overall, I am quite proud of our film and believe it depicts our experiences and understanding well.  

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Film Project

This truly became a reflection of what we learned both in and out of the classroom over our five week course. We compiled insights from all ...