Thursday, July 13, 2017

Week Two

Week 2

Christ Church – Oxford

The fountain in the center of the courtyard at Christ Church is a symbol of the Catholic and highly religious atmosphere perpetuated by the college.

Great Hall – Christ Church – Oxford

The Great Hall depicts many portraits of influential figures in the founding of the college including King Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth I; this expressed high expectations of success for those attending.

Eltham Palace – Sitting Room

A sculpture captioned “Mystic East” demonstrates the residents' oppressive and limited western world view, representative of the idea of the Other which characterizes all non-western identities as exotic or alternative.

Eltham Palace – Garden

Contrasting architectural styles of Tudor and Baroque come together after Eltham Palace was restored in the 1930s; a physical demonstration of the State's move from Catholicism to Protestant association.

Hampton Court Palace – William III Apartment

King William III constantly reminded his subjects that he was royal, despite not being royal by blood, with large, extravagant portraits of himself showcased around his chambers, most including religious, Protestant symbolism.

Hampton Court Palace – East Front Gardens

Lavish gardens show the wealth and power of the royal family.


  1. Great choices in photo selection, and I liked how you titled each photo then provided and interesting description of ideas we could further explore.

  2. Nice job Sarah, I think your overall layout and explanations are exactly what we want this week. I had such a hard time limiting my photos this week so I'm very pleased with your choices.

  3. Great images and captions! I enjoyed your interpretation of the "Mystic East." When I saw those sculptures I wondered what their significance was. Thanks for sharing your perspective!

  4. I agree with all above: inspired photographs and insightful captions. Loved your analysis of a detail I had missed in the window coverings at Eltham.

  5. Very nice images. I loved the structure you provided and the titles .


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